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MAAP Growth

Showing Growth

(10/28) DTC teachers visited PMS last week with a special, sweet treat for the students who showed growth on last year's MAAP Assessment!! Great Job!!

Titanic Story Time

(10/28) Students in Mrs. Steele’s homeroom shared with their class a book they wrote last year in 2nd grade about the Titanic. This was a perfect extension to their story this week about the Titanic.

AR Rewards Day!

(10/28) On Friday, students who met their first AR goal were rewarded with extra recess and a sweet treat! Students are already working towards their next big reward! Keep on Reading!!!

Book Fair Family Night

(10/28) Thank you so much to everyone who supported our book fair last week! We had a great turn out for family night, and fun was had by all!

Haunted House for Sale!

(10/25) Ms. Griffith’s Reading classes have been working on their persuasive essays to try and persuade someone to buy their Haunted House!

Multiplication Properties

(10/25) Mrs. Collums' class is currently learning the multiplication properties. They had the task of either making arrays by drawing them on their desk or making them out of counters to demonstrate the associative property. The students then discussed among their group members about each others work.

Weekly Rockstars!

(10/25) Congratulations to the following students for receiving positive office referrals this week! Keep up the good work!

Practicing Predictions & Point of View

(10/24) Mrs. Hodum's third grade ELA class practiced predictions and created monsters and chemical reactions in science. After the project, they wrote their Point of View of the project.

Multiplication Scavenger Hunt

(10/24) Mrs. Kirk's third grade math students completed a scavenger hunt with multiplication properties. The students answered the problems, and wrote what properties each problem represented.

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