Fourth Grade Happenings!

Ms. Lewis' students began the 2021-2022 school year last week with several fun activities! When teachers use fun activities to practice new skills, they help the students to actively participate in the learning process and retain what they learn!
First, to get to know each other, Ms. Lewis' fourth graders participated in a team building activity. They had to build a card tower. Before they could use a card, they had to write down one thing every person in their group had in common. 
Secondly, they are reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and learned about inferencing last week. The students were assigned a scene from the book to make an inference about. The students then had to use the book to find clues, make the inference, and write/perform a skit helping the other students make the same inference. The students had to show their clues through actions. 
Third, the students played a roll and review game to practice their Wordly Wise words. Each number on the dice had a different review activity to go with it.